
Tired of reporting working hours every day/month?
Now you can automatically report your working hours every day according to your location.
Or you can report for all month (working day’s)!

What’s this?

This is a web api project that allow you to punch-in/punch-out/punch-all to https://Timewatch.co.il

How to use?

This repository publish to https://time-watch.herokuapp.com


You need to Post the following data:
{"employeeId": "XXX", "company": "XXX", "password": "XXX"}

To report for all month:

{"employeeId": "XXX", "company": "XXX", "password": "XXX", "startHour": "09", "endHour": "18", "year": 2022, "month": 11}

** These parameters are optional and have default value:



IFTTT Example